Biiig day. Had my panel with a distinguished group of authors. Met Faith Hunter, F. Paul Wilson, and Allison Pang for the first time, and they are all lovely people. I’m reading Faith’s first Jane Yellowrock book right now, actually, and enjoying the different voices.
First thing I saw today at the Del Rey booth was Catwoman handing out promo copies of HOUNDED while holding a lipstick-kissed cup of Starbucks. I had to sit down because it was moderately disorienting. “My life,” I said to myself, “is just a bit different now. A bit.”
Catwoman promotes my books!!! *faints*
So I’m trying to recover from the shock when oh my god here comes Dazzler! Remember Dazzler? You, uh, probably don’t. Dazzler was a Marvel character who peaked in the 80s, a mutant who could turn sound into light, and her books didn’t sell very well. Stunned to see anybody who knew that character.
Play anything turned up to 11 and she can kick your ass.
You know who’s a total BAMF? The mutant who goes BAMF! of course, Nightcrawler. Rare to find someone willing to go full blue for the costume, but this dude didn’t hold back:
Now you see him, but he can BAMF! right behind you. Careful.
As always, the bestest, most awesome bit of the day was meeting readers. And for a day full of awesome cosplay, spiffy reader Lisa visited and instantly became my favorite: she did Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica! Cigar and hexagonal dog tags and everything!
Awesome. So say we all.
So yeah. Completely awesome experience and I’m so grateful to everyone who came by to say hello. Thank you, New York! Going to fly home and start on the Star Wars book now. More news on that when I have it. :)
Where to begin? With great freakin’ Legos, man! Check out Darth Maul:
This Lego version talks just as much as the real one did in the movie.
Turns out that a couple of the members of the Fellowship were journeying through NYCC and I had to direct Gandalf’s attention to imminent danger. Anton Strout was coming!
OH, and you’ll never guess who I ran into! It was freakin’ THOR! Comic book Thor, of course, not the real one, because I keeeeeeled him. :)
Holy crap I’m short.
I got to meet some very spiffy readers yesterday with whom I’ve Tweeted and stuff for a long time. Shecky and Rob and Kiera AND her amazing pumpkin cookies—they were all delightful. Also met awesome people at the signing—shout-out to Samantha from the UK who actually squeed. :) It was very cool to meet Sally from The Qwillery, one of my favorite book blogs. Then I got some time to wander the floor with Garrett, where we coveted all the shiny things. Our covetousness drove us a bit loony, in fact. Want proof?
Too much shiny.
I didn’t take as many cosplay pics as I would have liked, but I’m so glad I got this one because DAMN it’s a spectacular job, and you’re only seeing half of it here:
Queen Amidala said her costume took her months. I am not worthy. So awesome.
The turbo geek moment for me was when I discovered Geek Chic. They make custom geek furniture like wooden gaming tables and comic book storage units that “deliver a dragon punch to the balls of the white cardboard box.” If you’ve watched Wil Wheaton’s Table Top series on Geek & Sundry, these are the people who made the table he uses in that show. In fact, here it is, so you can go all spoggly:
I bought a display case for my HORDES miniatures and I’m so excited! It was cool to meet Robert and Brenda and chat with them for a bit. I think I’m going to have to add in one of the 8-Hour Chairs to my order. They’re so comfy.
My turbo fanboy moment came when I finally got to meet Nicole Peeler, whose Jane True series is one of my favorites. Great voice and an unusual heroine and she always cracks me up on Twitter. So I waited in line for her signing and then I got to take a pic with her:
Nicole is the bestest!
Also had the privilege of meeting Peter V. Brett for the first time. We’d emailed and stuff in the past but it was great to finally meet him. Looking forward to the third book in his Demon Cycle!
So after beers and whiskey late at night, my editor and I got silly and decided we should get serious with SAXON CODPIECE.
For those of you who don’t know, SAXON CODPIECE was an idea spawned at San Diego Comic Con. Me n’ all the spiffy peeps at Del Rey have had such fun goofing around with the idea of this British private eye whose name is all caps all the time that we’d really like to try putting something out there for everyone to enjoy. So, I don’t have any firm details yet and nothing is definite, but because many of you have been liking and commenting on the SAXON CODPIECE posts on Facebook, we might be able to whip something up for cheap and give everything to charity. OMG LOOKIT SOCIAL MEDIA WORKS. :) Seriously, thank you all for saying hi and stuff like that.
Off to the con now: I have a panel and a couple of signings, looking forward to it!
I’m very pleased to announce I’ll be contributing to a new anthology coming out in August 2013 from Pocket: CARNIEPUNK.
Every story will feature some dark urban fantasy set at a carnival. Brace yourself for some horrifying shenanigans deep fried in grease and coated with powdered sugar. Aw yeah!
The lineup is frakkin’ amazing, folks. Check out who’s contributing:
Rachel Caine
Jennifer Estep
Seanan McGuire
Rob Thurman
Kevin Hearne
Delilah Dawson
Kelly Gay
Mark Henry
Hillary Jacques
Jackie Kessler
Kelly Meding
Allison Pang
Nicole Peeler
Jaye Wells
If you haven’t heard of some o’ them, well, that’s why you buy anthologies. :) You get to sample the work of some great writers and maybe find a new favorite. But five of ’em are already NYT Bestsellers and the rest of them deserve to be there—they’re all outstanding. My story is called “The Demon Barker of Wheat Street” and takes place a couple of weeks after the events of TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW. It features Atticus, Oberon, and Granuaile…in Kansas.
Where the hell did this come from? Well, Hillary Jacques and I dreamed it up one night on Twitter, and once I pitched it to some author friends—”Hey, you guys, let’s write some fucking crazy shit at a carnival!”—they couldn’t wait to mess around with the idea.
While you’re waiting for the anthology, you might want to try some of these authors ahead of time if you haven’t heard of them before. They write great series and you can’t go wrong. Turbo excited—I’ll update with cover art and all those other goodies as it comes in! Yay!
Sometimes it’s good to go AFK for a while and hang out with some other peeps who know a wee bit about the writing biz. Recently I’ve enjoyed hanging out with some local authors who make me laugh. Since I’ve enjoyed them so much, thought you might like an introduction:
Beth Cato is West Siiiiide where I’m East Siiiiide and we usually try to meet halfway somewhere. She’s quite prolific with published short stories and poems and has some other projects brewing. If you’d like to check out her work, here’s a free story called “Cartographer’s Ink.” Beth is also insanely good with baking stuff—she’s inventing her own recipes now. She gave me some White Chocolate Orange cookies and OMG NOM NOM NOM.
Jenn McKinlay is a NYT Bestselling author of several mystery series. She’s juggling FOUR different series right now, the logistics of which blows my mind. Four different casts of characters…egad! Right now people are really digging her Library Lover’s Mysteries and the Cupcake Mysteries.
Sam Sykes is the author of The Aeon’s Gate trilogy (from Pyr) who mocks me constantly with his long, flowing locks. Within two years he will look like Legolas and I will not. His third book, The Skybound Sea, just released a week ago. Following him on Twitter @SamSykesSwears is good for a minimum of one “WTF?” per day and a laugh or five.
Usually writers only get to see each other at conventions and it’s tough to get in more than a few minutes with each other, so I’m really glad I get to see these folks more often. Why is this good? Several reasons:
1) There is always beer.
2) Writers do not ask the same questions of each other that non-writers commonly ask us. For example, a writer will never ask another writer if he/she wears pants while writing. We already know the answer. As a side note, the frequency with which writers hear this question points to a seismic shift in the American Dream. It used to be people wanted middle-class stability with a big-screen TV and maybe a Kegorator, but now they just don’t want to wear pants. I thought for sure this would be addressed by our current presidential candidates during their respective conventions, but oddly, neither had a word to say about it. A third party—say, the Pantsless Party—could go far in this environment. They could win it all with one simple question: “Are you still wearing pants?” Holy crap this post has gone off the rails. Another side note: When/if you meet me, you should never be afraid to ask me a question, even if you’re fairly certain I’ve been asked the question before. I sincerely do not mind; as a teacher, I’m quite used to it. :)
3) In addition to beer, there is sake. And yes, Jenn McKinlay can keep up with Sam and me.
4) We tell stories (go figure), but the kind that are probably not interesting to anyone else but writers. They are tales of convention shenanigans and so on; we never get to tell them or hear them anywhere else.
5) There is no number five. Because I said so.
6) We always congratulate each other for remembering to wear pants because we crave affirmation.
Anyway. Peace and carrots. I do believe that rather soonish I’ll have another announcement thingie to make about a project I’ve been sitting on for a while. In the meantime, many thanks to you who have read TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW and said nice things about it. Very glad you enjoyed it!
Behold! People who call themselves experts on Internet thingies say people like lists! And so I have made one for you! Now with even MORE exclamation points!!!!
I should probably insert a disclaimer here that this might not actually include all the cool things in September. It will just include things that I think are cool. But ONWARD.
1. CHEW, a monthly comic by John Layman and Rob Guillory. For my money it’s the best comic on the shelves today. Many people agree: it’s won an Eisner Award (kind of the Oscars for comics) for both writing and artwork. Soon to be a TV show. Issue #28 comes out Sep. 12. You can easily snag the trade volumes and catch up. Please catch up so we can geek out about it together, okay?
2. STORMDANCER by Jay Kristoff. It’s Japanese steampunk! Patrick Rothfuss blurbed it. Scott Westerfeld blurbed it. Even I blurbed it! This bad boy is coming out on Sep. 18 and it is Sofa King cool. But they don’t let me put things like “Sofa King cool” on the back covers of books. So here’s what I wrote instead:
“Kristoff’s debut is a lyrical triumph of chainsaw swords and thunder tigers that steampunk fans and mythology buffs will devour.”
Swank, right? Look, it’s beautifully written world you can get lost in. There is a girl, a griffin, and lots of blood. Preorder now and thank me later. :) And of course Jay is an amusing dude to follow. He’s on Twitter as @misterkristoff and you can find him on Facebook too.
3. There’s a book that came out earlier this year but I’m just reading it now so it makes the list. It’s called CALIBAN’S WAR by James S.A. Corey. It’s the sequel to LEVIATHAN WAKES, which I also really enjoyed. My favorite character so far in this book is a grandma named Avasarala who’s an intelligence guru for the UN defense forces. According to her, her job is “to keep civilization from blowing up while the children are in it.” She does it with a rather foul mouth behind closed doors but then looks so sweet in public, eating her wee pistachio nuts. I love it.
4. Are you a Browncoat? If so: Do you only wear the shirt that says “Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal” or do you have other shiny doodads proclaiming your disdain for the Alliance? Here is something shiny for you: a Serenity keychain. Or if that doesn’t fire your rockets, there are so many other pretties at I would begin to doubt your nerdhood if you didn’t find something you loved there.
Lately I’ve been re-watching Firefly with my daughter and enjoying her reactions. She likes Kaylee the best. And she loves it when they swear in Chinese. She makes me go back and play those bits over and over so she can swear in Chinese too. Okay, I admit it: I practice with her. I sure hope we’re not saying anything TOO heinous.
5. You know what this list needs? A shameless plug! Unsurprisingly, I happen to think TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW is pretty cool. It’s an Iron Druid novella that’s available now at your favorite eBook retailer thingie in the USA, Canada, UK and affiliated territories, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The audio version, narrated by Luke Daniels, is also available in the US/Canada only, through sites like Audible and iTunes.
It’s set six years after the events of TRICKED and gets you all set up for TRAPPED. Some people die and some people get nekkid. More details here, but all the details are in the novella itself. :) Hope you have fun!
Gadzooks, I haven’t blogged for a while! In case you’re wondering what I’ve been up to…
Mostly, I can’t tell you. Mostly.
I finished a short story for an anthology that hasn’t been announced yet. I signed a contract for another project I can’t tell you about. And there are a couple of other things in the works that I won’t be able to announce for months.
But I can tell you a little about HUNTED, book six of IDC, which is what I’m working on right now! But first I’m going to back up a bit.
I finished TRAPPED in mid-March and then wrote very little for two and a half months apart from some outlining. At that point, I’d been writing pretty much non-stop for three years; I was a wee bit fried and I was also dreadfully behind in my work for school. I needed to catch up, so I did. After school was out and I went to Phoenix Comicon over the Memorial Day weekend, I threw myself into writing TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW, the novella coming out Sep. 4, and also a short story called “The Chapel Perilous” for an (announced) anthology called UNFETTERED coming out next year. That was June. Then I started in on HUNTED, and whoa. It’s a tough one. Things that I’ve been setting up since HOUNDED are triggering and the doo-doo in which Atticus is wading is pretty darn deep. There was a string of chapters where I was a mess and telling my laptop “I’m so sorry!” and hoping that my surviving characters would hear me. I call them The Crying Chapters. But, fearing that maybe I was having issues (I mean, more than normal), I sent them to my editor and she confirmed they are The Crying Chapters. Those are going to be difficult to edit, but I’m past them for now and moving on.
Today was a pretty cool day because something unexpected happened. An old character walked into the story and introduced a new character, and neither was in my outline. Wauggh! I’m off script! Watch out!
Neckbeards: Slaying people since then. Rated M for Mature.
This is honestly an excellent development. The Hammers of God walked into HEXED like that, which allowed me to create deadly beards and make fun of extremists. Those are two of my favorite things. When you combine them you get neck beards. Why? Because neck beards are extreme and can scare people unto DEATH.
So, the old character was Leif Helgarson, who, believe it or not, was not going to appear in the book at all save for a mention in one chapter. I was glad to have him back; I missed some of the wordplay he typically engages in with Atticus. And the new character he introduces is a villain. A VILLAIN, I SAY. I will tell you one thing about him and give some clues about what he is by telling you what he is not.
1) His initials are W.D. —no relation to WD-40.
2) He isn’t a vampire, werewolf, demon, or member of the Fae. He’s not an angel. Not a human. Not a god. He’s not a Timelord, nor is he a neck beard. And before you ask, he is not a bowl of beans. Beans are often villainous, I agree, but I’m not sure they’re right for my series. I may have to face reality and accept that I will not be the first UF author to feature a bowl of beans as a villain. Several other authors are already working on it in any case, so I’m tardy to the party and will have to watch as everyone else cashes in on the latest trend. 2013 will be the Year of the Beans and I will be left out.
HUNTED is about halfway complete now and when it releases next June this blog post will make a lot more sense. Excepting, perhaps, for that bit about the beans. If you spent a half second or so thinking that bowls of beans would be the next big thing in UF, I apologize. I was just bein’ silly. :)
Grateful to you as always for reading. Peace n’ carrots,
Say hello to book 4.5 in the Iron Druid Chronicles, TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW:
US/Canada cover
Two-thousand-year-old Atticus may have outwitted and outfought everyone from Odin to Bacchus, but in this eBook original, he’s about to discover what comes around when you go around messing with gods.
Six years into the training of his apprentice, Granuaile, the Morrigan pays Atticus an unexpected visit and insists that he come with her at once. He must leave his apprentice behind, along with his Irish wolfhound, Oberon—and he must also leave his sword. The Morrigan has always taken extreme pleasure in pronouncing the Druid’s mortal danger and imminent doom, so the fact that she won’t reveal the purpose of their journey makes him very nervous. Of course, any time the Celtic Chooser of the Slain drops in unannounced, it’s never good. When she does let slip that she’ll be saving his life in the near future, Atticus is left to wonder . . . will he soon be giving his legions of enemies something to crow about?
Heh! The above text is the “back cover copy,” which I think is kind of funny since there is no back cover for this. But I’ll tell you a bit more: This novella is important to the series. In fact, it is part of the series. It wraps up loose ends from both HAMMERED and TRICKED, tells the story of how Atticus got the recipe for Immortali-Tea, and sets the stage for events that happen in books five and six (TRAPPED and HUNTED, respectively). Both of those books allude to events that happen in this novella. TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW will also include the first chapter of TRAPPED, which has been revised slightly from the version printed at the end of TRICKED.
As of today, now-ish in fact, it should be available for pre-order on your favorite eBook platform for $2.99. It’ll download to your device on the release date, September 4. This will be available in the US and Canada and also in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK’s affiliated territories. Very sorry—that’s all the countries that have bought rights so far. (If the UK/ANZ e-retailers don’t have it up today, please be a tiny bit patient, they’ll get it done.)
UK/ANZ cover
Though this is a digital-only release, you don’t have to have an e-reader to read this! You can read it on your computer. You can get free apps from Nook, Kindle, the iBook store, or whatever platform you dig that will allow you to purchase and read the novella on your computer screen, and I hear quite a few people read books on their smartphones these days, because you can get free apps for that functionality too.
TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW will also be available on audio in the United States and Canada only. It’s read by Luke Daniels and I believe the price is $10. I, for one, can’t wait to hear Luke’s voice for Odin. :)
I’m kind of excited about the possibilities for shorter fiction in the digital realm. The market for short fiction in printed form was shrinking even before the digital revolution, but now e-readers are making short fiction a viable market for authors again, and as a storyteller I think that’s awesome. Some stories don’t want to be full-length novels, but without a method to sell a few copies, many authors would never take the trouble to tell those stories.
I took the trouble a few times and just gave them away for free. If you haven’t read them already, there are three Iron Druid short stories out there. One of them, “Kaibab Unbound” is a bonus short story bundled exclusively with the e-book version of HOUNDED. (I will get around to printing it in a collection someday, but for now that’s the only place to find it.) However, you can get the other two stories free on my Short Stories page: “Clan Rathskeller” is set about ten months before the events of HOUNDED, and “A Test of Mettle” is from Granuaile’s POV, set during the events of HAMMERED while Atticus is off in Asgard.
Many thanks in advance for checking out TWO RAVENS AND ONE CROW and spreading the word to all your friends who have enjoyed IDC—since it’s not a full-length book I think many people are unaware it’s coming out. Let ’em know, will ya?
We had such a good time at the release party for TRICKED, which we called “Atticus & Oberon’s Sausage Fest,” that I’m going to do it again!
Some things are the same: It’s limited to 100 people, you’ll get a signed copy of the book and a special souvenir pint glass, and I’ll be coming around to talk to you. But there will also be some important differences, so here they are:
1) This time around, it’s going to be called Atticus & Oberon’s Beer Bonanza. That’s because I’m buying two kegs and you can have all you want until we drink ’em dry. Once the kegs are gone (or if you’re not a fan of beer), it’s cash bar. The beers are Dos Equis Lager and Smithwick’s.
2) Um, yeah. It’s kind of an over-21 sort of party. Apologies to my younger readers! And make sure you arrange safe, sober transportation home.
3) It won’t be at Rúla Búla this time due to a scheduling conflict. The date is Saturday, Dec. 1, and that coincides with the Tempe Festival of the Arts, during which they close down Mill Avenue and 250K people roam around. It’s a great time to visit Tempe and Rúla Búla—and I highly recommend it!—but it’s also impossible to arrange a private party at Rula Bula that day.
4) We’re having this in east Mesa at a place called Nando’s Mexican Cafe. I’ve attended parties there before and it rocks. There’s indoor and outdoor seating. There will be an all-you-can-eat taco and enchilada bar. You won’t go away hungry or thirsty.
5) Last time a poster was included in the price. This time you get a T-shirt in the size, style and design you want. There are two designs to choose from and each design comes in either a men’s T-shirt or a women’s T-shirt—the latter tends to be a bit more form-fitting. If you want to order extra T-shirts, you CAN! If you’re attending the party, you can buy all the extra shirts you want for the smokin’ hot deal of $8 each. I’m trying to arrange it so that you can order T-shirts without coming to the party. If I can arrange that, those will be $15 each including shipping anywhere in the US. No international shipping, sorry! Here are the two different designs, which I should mention were both designed by the amazing Emily Beu at Two Birds Creative in San Francisco:
6) The party will be from 4-7 pm instead of 3-6 pm. The likelihood that Nando’s will try to get you to leave at 7 is as close to zero as I can imagine.
7) The tickets are a bit more expensive this time. I don’t make money from this but I don’t want to get hosed either, which kind of happened to me last time because I forgot that PayPal takes a hunk of every transaction. Live and learn, Kev! Anyway, the tickets are $40. To review, here’s what you get for that:
A signed copy of TRAPPED, and I’ll come around to visit with you and personalize it. Plus it’s probably mandatory that we take a silly picture or two, don’t you think? (Books come from The Poisoned Pen, so you’re supporting indie bookstores too. If you want to buy extra copies there and have me sign ’em for friends I’d be delighted, of course)
The opportunity to meet my mom! I only mention it because last time she was kind of the hit of the party. :)
A pint glass with the Beer Bonanza logo on it
A T-shirt with either the Beer Bonanza logo or the Guilt Ferret design
All-you-can-eat tacos and enchiladas
Beer until it’s gone (If everyone drank the same amount, it would work out to three beers each) and the opportunity to try some really high-grade tequilas if you weren’t going to use those brain cells anyway
You’re automatically entered in a drawing for a signed, framed poster of the map that appears in the front of TRAPPED. And it’s not just signed by me; it’s also signed by the artist, Priscilla Spencer, who is five kinds of brilliant. Gotta be present to win it! :)
So, when are tickets on sale? Tickets go on sale at 9am EST on Saturday, August 4 on my site’s STORE page. Limit two per household. It’s a PayPal thing but remember that you do NOT need a PayPal account to buy tickets. They provide a link where you can pay using a credit or debit card. Only 100 tickets will be sold. If you don’t get a ticket but would still like to come to the shindig and say hello, just come at 7:30 and I’ll be on the patio. The Poisoned Pen will have copies of the series to buy and all that.
Hopefully the Internet Gods will be on my side and everything will go as planned. Thank you in advance, I do hope you can come and I can’t wait to meet you!
I often get people asking me what I’m reading or if I have any suggestions. So here’s what I’ve either just finished reading or is shortlisted in my To-Be-Read pile:
Still Life with Fantasy and Fruit #15
Starting in the front left: EVEN WHITE TRASH ZOMBIES GET THE BLUES by Diana Rowland. I love these books and it’s not just because the covers are hilarious. The words inside are pretty hilarious too! Angel Crawford has her flaws as a human being (and as a zombie) but she’s also completely endearing and aware that she has problems. You can’t help rooting for her as she tries to solve them. If you haven’t given these a try yet, start with MY LIFE AS A WHITE TRASH ZOMBIE. I saw Diana at San Diego Comic Con and did my best not to fanboy all over her. She’s so awesome. She has this whole other series about demons that I haven’t tried yet, but I’ll get to them soon.
Zipping to the back: THE NIGHT SESSIONS by Ken MacLeod posits a world where humanity has basically kissed religion goodbye…but the robots haven’t. Interesting premise to me on several levels, so I’m looking forward to trying this out. I haven’t read anything by Mr. MacLeod before.
Back up front in the center: THE QUANTUM THIEF by Hannu Rajaniemi. I just recently finished this and I have to say it was SO weird and SO awesome but DAMN. It’s not a light read. He’s doing new stuff here and it’s deep immersion in a bizarre world. I had to put it down to think about it several times. But I always came back, because I did in fact keep thinking about it and needed to know what happened next. I can’t explain half the things that happened in that book, but I finished it and liked it…which makes it the strangest book I have ever read. Usually if I don’t understand something—say, a calculus textbook—I just give up and won’t read it. But I never wanted to give up on this. I actually liked all the stuff I didn’t understand. Both as a reader and a writer, I want to know, HOW DID HE DO THAT? So yeah. This isn’t a “safe” read, but I’d say it’s one of those high-risk, high-reward things. I’m going to read it again because I know I missed a ton of stuff the first time around. And the sequel, THE FRACTAL PRINCE, is coming out in September. I’m excited!
Up in the back on the right: CALIBAN’S WAR by James S.A. Corey. This is the sequel to LEVIATHAN’S WAKE, which I enjoyed very much, so I’m looking forward to this.
Bottom right: TEMPEST’S FURY, the fifth book in the Jane True series. I’ve been a fan of Nicole Peeler’s books since I discovered book one, TEMPEST RISING. Jane True drops these one-liners every so often that get me laughing so hard I can’t stop. I wake up my dogs. My wife. My child. They give me dirty looks and I point at the book by way of explanation, helpless to stop, tears running down my face. So yeah. I like these books, and at some point around book three Nicole’s editor heard about it. If you look really closely at the cover for book five, you’ll see a little something I told her:
Holy Blurb from Kevin, Batman!
My blurb may require some explanation: Jane True is not a telepath and she does not routinely have hot bloody sex, much as she may wish for it. But she is a heroine who’s abruptly thrown into a supernatural world and has to make the best of it, and discovers along the way that she’s a bit stronger than she thought. So there you have it. I’m on page fifty of this one now and digging it! Hope you all are reading something spiffy and if you’re not, I hope this gives you a starting point.* Cheers!
*None of these was provided to me by my publisher or any other publisher…I bought them all because this really is the sci-fi/fantasy stuff I like to read. :)
I only mention this in case you were looking for reasons to go and in case giving me a fist bump there might make you smile. :) I can assure you now that I would be delighted to meet you!
Know what’s cool? NYCC isn’t sold out yet! It will be soonish…they have apparently sold out the past two years, but right now you can still get tickets.
I don’t have my schedule yet and I don’t know if I’ll be doing anything offsite. What I can be certain of is that I’ll be at the Del Rey booth for a signing or five and I’ll probably have at least one panel. I should be relatively easy to track down if you’re into tracking. I don’t run very fast, either, and I tend to like people, so your chances of chatting for a bit are really quite good. If you’re at all able to come, I hope you will; next summer I’m touring up the west coast, so this will be my only visit to NY for a while.
Aside from meeting spiffy readers, I’m looking forward to meeting some authors who are kinda based on the east coast and don’t roam me-wards very often. There were a couple of authors in San Diego I wanted to meet but never did…the scheduling gods, you know. I think I must have chapped their hide when I failed to take in my car for the 30,000 mile checkup or whatever it was, and so they punished me. I never got to see Rachel Caine or Rob Reid and now I am sad. Hopefully I can appease the scheduling gods before October and I’ll get to meet everyone.
Author of The Iron Druid Chronicles, Ink & Sigil, the Seven Kennings trilogy, and co‑author of the Tales of Pell