
Writer's Grove

Still Life with Badass and Beer #1

May 31, 2011

This summer I’ve decided to start a new series of still lifes. The beer will continue on, but instead of dwarfs, I will feature a badass instead. If you’re wondering if I’ll do this on the road while sampling the beers in Colorado on my Book & Beer Tour, the answer is YES. I fully expect to get strange looks while setting up my still lifes in the brew pubs, and I will document them if I can. :) Behold:

Still Life with Badass and Beer #1

Mace Windu, Jedi Badass of the Long Purple Phallic Symbol, defends my sandwich and beverage from the depravity of the Sith. A bit more about the beer, and then we’ll focus on Mace.

The beer is Polygamy Porter from the Wasatch Brewery in Park City, Utah. The ad tagline for this brew is “Why have just one!” and I could not agree more. Aside from the hilarious name, this is the BEST porter I’ve ever had in terms of taste and drinkability. That silver medal in the World Beer Cup ain’t no lie. If you like porters and have a good specialty store in your neck of the woods that carries this, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Failing that, the T-shirts for this beer will get you lots of curious stares, and you can order them online to stick it to the Man in Utah.

But now, back to Mace. Remember Mace? He’s seriously hacked off about something, and perhaps you didn’t notice that from the wide angle. Sorry about that. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Mace ain’t feelin’ the love

Now I don’t know about you, but Mace is really talking to me here, and it’s obvious what he’s saying. “WHY ain’t there a muthaeffin’ BEER in my muthaeffin’ HAND?” He can’t be saying anything else…can he?

Remember that my Colorado Book and Beer Tour begins next week, so check back every stinkin’ day— starting Sunday—for photos of beautiful trees, beautiful beer, and (hopefully) some fans saying howdy to me in the Rockies! Cheers!

© Kevin Hearne. All Rights Reserved.

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