
Writer's Grove

Still Life with Badass & Beer #3

January 7, 2012

Today we have a very special beer to pour into a very special glass. The beer is “imported from Vermont,” which makes it sound exotic somehow. (Hear that, everybody in Vermont? Your neighborhood is exotic.) The brewer of Hill Farmstead Anna—Shaun Hill—is something of a world-renowned chap who lives in the exotic realm of northeast Vermont. Anna is a honey saison brew that I can’t wait to try. Hill Farmstead crafts many small-batch, interesting beers. Thoughtful ones, too, like Phenomenology of Spirit.

The glass into which I shall pour the honey saison is emblazoned with the logo for Atticus & Oberon’s Sausage Fest. I’ve received many requests to sell these, and after looking a wee bit into setting up something on my website, it appears that it will take far more of my time and energy than I can afford. Instead, I’ll set up a shop with Cafe Press, so you can put the Sausage Fest on a shirt or hat, glass or shooter, whatever you’d like, and they’ll handle all the shipping and stuff and I can concentrate on writing.

Who’s the badass? Why, that’s a Pureblood Warpwolf howlin’ for some honey saison. He’s got a Death Howler spray attack and has an animus that allows you to ignore enemy defensive buffs. Whoa. It just got awful nerdy awful fast, didn’t it?

Hope your holidays were filled with warm fuzzies and that your new year will be full of trips to exotic locales like Vermont!

© Kevin Hearne. All Rights Reserved.

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