
Writer's Grove

Upcoming Stuff

August 11, 2010

Well, this is weird…I’m going to blog about stuff I’m not currently blogging about. It’s not terribly brilliant as far as posts go, but school starts tomorrow and I must obsess about that for a bit. So here are some things to which we may all look forward:

1. On August 31 there will be the special treat of my latest 3:2 Interview with the amazing Gail Carriger, author of Soulless, Changeless, and the upcoming Blameless!
2. Sometime soon I might get to see some preliminary cover art for my books! I don’t know when I’ll get to share that with you all, probably deep into the fall sometime, but I have it on good authority that someone is working on it.
3. Also in the works for later is a full-on website—that definitely won’t go live before I get my cover art, though. I’m planning on uploading some sound files of the foreign-language passages in my books, especially the Polish and German in HEXED and the Hebrew in HAMMERED—the Icelandic, too, if I can find someone to do it for me. And there will be pictures of my character sketches, early attempts at a map for Asgard, and other goodies.
4. Speaking of sound files, don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but there will be unabridged audio versions of all three books from Brilliance. I cannot WAIT to hear who they get to do these books! Besides speaking English with the western American accent, he’ll have to pull off passable versions of Irish, Tamil, Polish, Icelandic, and Russian accents as well, then actually speak several passages in Irish, Polish, German, Icelandic, Hebrew, and Russian like a native speaker. Whoever does it will probably  hate me by the time he’s through. But I will make it all better by soothing his sore vocal cords with beer.
5. Speaking of beer (because you should whenever you can), there are more Still Lifes with Dwarfs and Beer ahead. I think I may have found that Smoked Porter Hillary was telling me about, cannot wait to try it…but I have to wait until the weekend.
6. On October 9, if anybody can make it to Payson, Arizona, I’ll be speaking at 10 am on genre fiction, how to break into the biz, that sort of thing. It’s targeted toward aspiring writers and I’m excited that I might be able to help—because I was an aspiring writer too, until just recently. Don’t have a venue quite yet, but I’ll post it as soon as I know.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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