Tag Archives: Dr. Who

The Geek List (embedded in a list of miscellanea)

1. Moms are cool.

2. I’m currently reading a book called Shop Class as Soulcraft. It reminds me very much of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, though this is a bit more straightforward and not couched in fiction. I’ll post a review when I’m finished.

3. I liked Robert Redick’s The Red Wolf Conspiracy quite a bit, though I haven’t written a full review. The creatures called murths were fascinating…wished I could have read more about them.

4. I’m now at 44K on Hammered.

5. There are degrees of geekiness and nerdiness, and I while I can truthfully claim to be both mildly nerdy and mildly geeky, there are certain things I must acquire to rise up in the ranks a become a TurboGeek or TurboNerd. The good folks at thinkgeek.com have me covered. For example, there’s this Dread Pirate Roberts action figure. It’s terribly fashionable, as I’ve wished. And then I need to get myself a new sonic screwdriver because the new Dr. Who has one. When I’m on the go and a bit sluggish and don’t have a pot of coffee ready, then I can have myself a Caffeinated Maple Bacon Lollipop. Mmm, bacon. With 80 mg. of caffeine in every pop, I’ll be shredding like Megadeth on my electric guitar shirt. Rock on.