Tag Archives: elevator ride

Atticus & Oberon’s Elevator Ride

TIDC_01_SAUSAGE_LOGO_4So excited to tell you about this! I’ve had a party for fans during release week for the past couple of books because parties are fun, so I want to have another one for HUNTED. Things will be a bit different this time but I has REASONS for the changes, Precious!

I’ll be on tour during my release week at the end of June and for a while afterward, and then San Diego Comic Con rolls around. After that I have an anthology coming out, so I don’t really have time for a party thingie until the end of July. So the date for this shindig is Wednesday, July 31!

BUT GUESS WHAT! That means you can party with TWO authors this time, because that’s when THE DARWIN ELEVATOR by Jason Hough will debut! Hence the name of this party, Atticus & Oberon’s Elevator Ride! I’m so jazzed for it—mostly because of the old saying: “Double the authors and double your fun!” Okay, I admit that might not be a saying YET. But it will be a saying after this hootenanny, I’m tellin’ ya! And if you’re wondering if I’m going to add “Hootenanny Planning” to my résumé, the answer is HECK YES.

Darwin-DelReyJason’s the next big thing in sci-fi, folks. The publisher says his books are like Firefly meets Scalzi. Here’s what I say, because I blurbed him: “The best part about alien stories is their mystery, and Jason M. Hough understands that like no other. Full of compelling characters and thick with tension, THE DARWIN ELEVATOR delivers both despair and hope along with a gigantic dose of wonder. It’s a brilliant debut and Hough can take my money whenever he writes anything from now on.”

The Disclaimer Paragraph: Jason not only shares the same publisher as me, we share an editor too—Viking Mike Braff. But it’s not Del Rey’s idea to do this, or Jason’s, or Mike’s. It’s all mine, just like the Sausage Fest and the Beer Bonanza was mine. In truth, I don’t think publishers would suggest something like this too often since there’s a high risk of setting an author’s hair on fire. (Author hair is infamously flammable. They could tell you stories.) I’m doing this because 1) I like to hang out with people  2) I genuinely dig Jason’s work and think you will too, and  3) Tacos and tequila are a bloody good time. Del Rey is overjoyed, of course, that Jason and I get along, because it’s kind of like discovering your kid can play nicely with others in the sandbox, but they don’t try to arrange hootenannies with tacos. THAT’S TOO DAMN WILD FOR THE MAN.

So here’s what you get if you come to Atticus & Oberon’s Elevator Ride:

1) A signed, personalized copy of HUNTED
2) A signed, personalized copy of THE DARWIN ELEVATOR
3) All-you-can-eat tacos & a beverage to slake your thirst. The beverage is bottomless but, alas, non-alcoholic. There will be a bar out there if you wanna get your drank on though
4) A pint glass with the Elevator Ride logo on it
5) A fun little swag bag to carry everything, printed up with Iron Druid and Dire Earth stuff for extra nerd cred
6) Probably some wee things like bookmarks and stuff
7) The chance to hang out with 99 other people who like sci-fi and fantasy

Hunted final coverAnd because Arizona has all the charm of a sweaty goat sack at the end of July, we’re going to have the party in SAN DIEGO instead! Or a little ways up the road, anyway, in Encinitas, at this spiffy joint called El Callejon. They have a large patio in the back where we can chill and a well-stocked bar where we can buy things with ice in it. Jason and I will come around and chat with you and it will be simply smashing. OH, DID I MENTION IT’S ALSO A TEQUILA MUSEUM? AWWW YEAAAAH. So who’s in?

Tickets are $45 and go on sale Saturday, March 2, at 1pm EST (10 am Pacific) on my website. There will be a button on the top that says “Store” and you’ll be able to pay through PayPal (which accepts credit cards). Again, that’s for an event on July 31, from 4pm to whenever we can’t drink anymore, and your ticket buys you the books, food, a glass, and some other wee goodies. Comic Con will be over and hotel prices will be merely “oh-my-goodness” instead of “oh-my-effing-god-I-need-a-second-mortgage.” Only two tickets per household, please, and we’re only selling 100 total. Sounds like the start to a great summer getaway to me… :)

Hope you can join us! I’ve had so much fun hanging out with peeps at these things! And by the way, besides being brilliant, Jason is turbo friendly. You can say hi to him on Twitter @JasonMHough and express your eagerness to hobnob with him at the taco hootenanny. :)