Tag Archives: fan mail

A bulleted list of updates

•I have publication dates for all three books now:
HOUNDED, April 26, 2011
HEXED, May 24, 2011
HAMMERED, June 28, 2011

•In super-duper-happy-mega-big-jumbo news, I’m getting ultra-spiffy, full-color, finished-art ARE’s (Advanced Reader Editions)! Normally ARE’s are sent out with generic covers on them; they say the author’s name, the title of the book, and then there’s a nice houndstooth pattern or some diamonds or whatnot to look at, nothing more. Full-bore ARE’s are supposed to indicate the publisher is really behind the book, thinks it will do well, etc. so I’m extremely grateful and lucky to have the coolest editor evah. But it also means I’ll get to see some cover art a bit sooner than I thought! If you cannot feel my excitement pouring through the pixels at your eyeballs right now, then you are extraordinarily stable to the point of Stoicism! Squeeee! There. That did it. You’re excited now too!

•Whoa! I got my first fan mail! A relative of my alpha reader wrote me a very nice note after he finished reading HEXED. Completely made my week. Here’s a snippet:

The last fight scene was epic! I could picture it exactly–it was very easy to follow what was happening…I’ve read other books where I just get lost in the various battle sequences and I just end up skipping pages.  Boo to them.  You, sir, know what you’re doing.  Kudos.

Wasn’t that sweet? He said a lot of very nice things, but that bit made me all warm and fuzzy inside because fight scenes are extremely difficult for me to write. I count that as  high praise indeed. Thanks, Mike R!

•Possessed by whimsy, a couple of my friends are doing a parody of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” video with me. We are all giant men. We won’t be wearing spandex or leotards because we’re trying to induce laughter rather than vomiting. Can’t wait to get it all shot and edited…we did the first part today, and it was quite a hoot!

•Getting into The Scarlet Letter with the kids at school. The Romantic writing style is a bear, but the story is first-class soap opera, man. And Roger Chillingworth is the most cold-blooded villain ever. Dude  creeps me out. I’ve had nightmares, because he just never gives up. And it’s funny how some adults have heard we’re reading it and they’re instantly down on it. “HATED IT!” they say. Well, it’s only because they’re still having nightmares about Roger F-ing Chillingworth. I mean, if you give Darth Vader, Freddy Kreuger, and Roger Chillingworth each a planet of people to make miserable, first one to make ’em all go insane wins, Roger F-ing Chillingworth will win. He is a master of mental torture. Puritan Guilt: It’s What’s For Dinner!