Tag Archives: fantods

Stuff They Never Told Me About Publishing #4

This is continuing a series of posts I’ve been writing for newbie authors in hopes that my experiences leading up to my debut might help some other writers who are just now dipping their toesies into publishing’s choppy waters.  Shawntelle Madison, I’m looking at you—here’s a heads up!

Start your list of guest blog ideas now. Someday, you will need it.

I’m about two months out from Hounded hittin’ the shelves, and publicity is starting to ramp up for my release. I’m not sure yet if this is a gentle slope or a steep incline since I have no basis for comparison, but in the past couple of weeks I’ve said “HECK YES!” to three guest blog requests and five interview requests. (And keep in mind that I have no idea how they found me. It’s a mystery; they’re simply contacting me and I’m extremely happy about it.) I’m sure that this is nothing compared to the kind of interest established authors get prior to their releases, but for me it’s eight more requests than I’ve ever had in my life. Already I can tell I’m going to like doing the interviews a bit more, and here’s why: I ain’t comfy with a guest blog. I didn’t realize that until I sat down tonight to try to write them, and maybe it’s just me and Dr. Nicole Peeler (she admitted to me that she doesn’t dig ’em either), but my completely undocumented, unsupported opinion is that it’s a common malaise among authors.

Here’s my attempt to be introspective about it: I’m comfy here. This is mah space, mah house, and when I go to somebody else’s place as a guest, I wonder (metaphorically speaking) if my fly is open or if there’s a stain on my shirt. Here I can write whatever I want (DANGLING BADGER BALLS! <–See?), but when I’m on someone else’s site I almost feel like I’m supposed to write an essay in MLA format and provide a Works Cited page. And there’s also this weird subtext, where I know I’m trying to pimp myself and the readers know I’m trying to pimp myself, but we’re all pretending that I’m just writing some interesting goodies on a stranger’s blog because I’m cool like that. Except I’m not cool or an expert or anything; I’m making this up as I go. And topics! Gah! I have a hard enough time coming up with topics for my own blog, much less fresh material for someone else. And you have to come up with something fresh, see, because all these guest blogs will start popping up around the same time, and if people discover you’re recycling stuff they’re going to feel you cheated somehow. Add to that the stress of not really knowing the audience you’re addressing—who are those people in Canada?—and it’s enough to give me a case of the shivering fantods. (Did you know that today is Gratuitous Mark Twain Allusion Day?)

Interviews, on the other hand, are a blast. I’m at ease because the blogger is asking me stuff they think their followers would like to know. It’s more like a conversation than an essay, and I don’t get the feeling I’m supposed to be the expert, nor do I feel like a salesman.

But I completely understand why bloggers would prefer a guest post. It’s hard to come up with entertaining material, period. And thinking up interview questions that haven’t been asked a gazillion times before? That’s hard too. I empathize, sympathize, and Simonize. Blogging well is much harder than it looks.

Not sure how many more requests I’m going to get (it’s a mystery), but I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone who manages to hear about me. You only debut once, right? And it’s all fun & adventurey—even the fact that I don’t know what I’m going to write about next is an adventure. :) When all of these guest posts and interviews finally show up out there, I’ll let you know.

Before I go, here’s a next-to-last call for pre-orders on Hounded: I’ll send you a signed, personalized bookplate if you send me an email with your address by February 15 saying you pre-ordered somewhere. This is good for overseas folks, too! Here’s a page with a handy list of retailers to order from.

Also before I go, The League of Reluctant Adults has finally gotten its poo together. (Heh! I say that like I’ve been with them for ages, but it’s only been a few months, and I’m still their only unpublished member.) What that means is that EVERY HONKIN’ DAY you’ll get something saucy served up by one of the Reluctant Adults. We’re on a schedule and everything. I’ll be posting on the 7th of every month, and like dogs, every Reluctant Adult will have his/her day. So if you haven’t bookmarked the site yet (or read anything by those authors), I gently suggest you should. :) Be warned: We are cheeky bitches.

Lastly, I’m officially predicting that the next big thing in fantasy is going to be CARNIEPUNK. But no pressure, Hillary Jacques. :) Peace unto you all~