Tag Archives: Germany

Lots o’ lovely news!

Completely, utterly thrilled to announce that The Iron Druid Chronicles will be published by Klett-Cotta in Germany! Not only do they have the coolest griffin logo I’ve ever seen, but they also publish fantasy titans like Tad Williams and—wait a second. I want to try something. Here goes: Klett-Cotta also publishes J.R.R. Tolkien, Patrick Rothfuss, and…me. *eep!*

Whoa. Since a thunderbolt from the literary gods has yet to destroy me for associating myself with Tolkien and Rothfuss in the same sentence, the only possible conclusion I can draw is that the literary gods don’t read my blog. As such, I am completely free to say heinous things like “I can’t stand Charles Dickens!” or “My life would be better if I hadn’t read Dostoevsky at such an impressionable age!”

I’m very grateful to Klett-Cotta, of course, and I am excited for a former exchange student of mine who helped me by translating some passages in Hexed. (You can see and hear her awesome work on the Goodies page; the phrases are read by another German exchange student currently at my school). She was hoping she’d be able to read the books in German, and now her wish will come true. In one of those cosmic coincidences, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the German language lately, because I’ve recently rediscovered Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. Rilke himself wasn’t German—he was born in Prague—but he’s one of the premier poets of the German language, and what he has to say about the nature of creativity in Letters is just as inspirational to me today as when I first read it twenty years ago. What I’ve been wondering is what’s been lost in translation. I suspect that German readers will get the best of it, but still, it’s an amazing work in English.

Other news: I have a light little end-of-year thingamabob posted up on Suvudu now. If you click on over and read it, you will be confronted with (among other things) an excessively cute puppy and an excessively drunk miniature dwarf.

The other, other news: Though I still don’t have a date yet, there should be a free short story coming soon on Suvudu. It might be really soon…I’ll let you know.

Tech news I figured out five years or so after everyone else: If you register an email address with Gravatar.com, then use said email in the comment field, you’ll get a cool little avatar to show up alongside your comments! It’s not really important AT ALL, but neither is much of what we do in the name of Cool.

News I can use: Almost time for Winter Break. Looking forward to making progress on book four; I’ve had to leave it alone for a week or two because of finals and I need to get back into the groove. The Kid is looking forward to baking cookies with Grandma and the dogs are looking forward to anything that falls on the floor.