Tag Archives: Asgard

Progress Report

Though I have doubts that such entries as these are engrossing, I like to make them for the purposes of my own documentation….so:

1) The Ifing River in the Prose Edda is supposed to separate Asgard and Jotunheim. That would put Asgard and Jotunheim on the same plane. But in the Poetic Edda, generally considered to be the older source (and the one I’m relying on), Jotunheim is on the same plane as Midgard—a plane clearly below that of Asgard. Grrr. I want rivers in my Asgard but (thus far) the named rivers I’ve found don’t match up with the cosmology I’m using. So yeah, you know. Fiddlesticks. Darn it. Gaahh!

2) I’m at 10K words now in Hammered. It’s going a bit slower than Hexed because, well, there’s this whole world-building thing to do. The first two books were set in the East Valley and I’ve been there. Anyway, I’m feeling a bit more free, the frozen pack ice of my brain is breaking up and I’m seeing clear sailing through the floes…

Spock and Kirk Shoulder Buddies

Instead of an angel and a demon whispering advice in either ear, I want a mini-Spock talking to my left brain and a mini-Kirk talking to my right. Spock will give me the logical argument; Kirk will give me the emotional one. While they fight, I will most likely be destroyed by Klingons.

I’m into chapter three of Hammered now, expecting editorial notes on Hexed soon. I’m preoccupied with the magical nature of cold iron vs. regular iron, and drawing sketches of Asgard.

Oh, plus Hemingway and Modernist poetry. :)

Copy Editing

I’m copy editing HOUNDED now and it’s a hoot. I haven’t been critiqued on my writing in this manner in a long time. The editor has found several verbal tics of mine and I find it fascinating. I’m about 70 pages into it or so, and I’m hoping to get most of it finished this weekend.

I have other things to do, after all.

There’s a squirrel named Ratatosk that needs sorting out in HAMMERED.

There’s a map of Asgard to create, and research to conduct.

Plus, playoffs! Yeah!